Current Projects


Programme: HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01 Project title: Integrated approach to assess the levels and impact of contaminants of emerging concern on BLUE health and biodiversity modulated by climate change drivers Acronym: ONE-BLUE Coordinator: Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas IDAEA-CSIC Coordinator at the University of Dubrovnik: izv. prof. Ivana Palunko LARIAT Duration: 2024. – 2027. Total…

SeaClear 2.0

Programme: Horizon-MISS-2021-OCEAN-03-01 Project title: Scalable Full-cycle Marine Litter Remedation in the Mediterranean and Participatory solutions Acronym: SeaClear 2.0 Coordinator: TU Delft Coordinator at the University of Dubrovnik: izv. prof. Ivana Palunko LARIAT Duration: 2023. – 2026. Total budget: EUR 9,086,305.00 ( €7,971,863.50 EU contribution) UNIDU budget:  €850.000,00 Web site: Today’s oceans contain roughly 25 million…